Student Records Board Policy

Board Policy JR – Student Records (Remember to log in to Simbli to see companion regulations and exhibits.)

Support Documents:

Staff Training Videos

General All Staff Student Privacy Video

Administrator FERPA Part 1 Video

Administrator FERPA Training Part 2 Video

Administrator FERPA Training Part 3 Video

Understanding the Parent Permission Form Video

Vetting Applications

Regulation JR-R(1) – Student Privacy and Applications – Click here to see this regulation.

The overview for vetting applications is found on this flow chart.

  • When utilizing free applications, always check Education Frameworks located on your Classlink page.  For instructions on how to use Education Frameworks click here.
  • When looking to purchase an application, make sure to complete the first page of the Forsyth County Schools Terms of Service agreement (FCS ToS) and obtain the needed signatures. To see a copy of this document click here. Once the document is signed, email a copy of the completed agreement to Kathy Carpenter

Student Privacy Presentations

Student Privacy Training – ITS and Media Staff July 2018

Student Privacy and Protection Presentation – Teaching and Learning August 2018

Student Privacy Training Mentors

Levels of Access for Student Information Systems

School systems are required by FERPA to only provide student PII to school officials with a legitimate educational interest and are to ensure that the student PII is limited to designated job duties as defined by the school official supervisor.  FCS has developed a guidance document that shows levels of access to the current student information system, Infinite Campus.  Because FCS has a belief in school autonomy, principals of each school are allowed to define roles and responsibilities in a way that best meets their school’s unique needs.  Therefore, if a principal assigns a job duty in a unique way that requires additional Infinite Campus access, the principal along with the designated school official completes an elevated access form.